Consider this rather advance notice, but the Less Sociable Half will be taking part in a panel discussion sponsored by the Cambridge Global Food Security research initiative, the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute and the Forum for Sustainability and the Environment. The discussion is part of the University of Cambridge’s Festival of Ideas, and we’ll be at the David Attenborough Building, (New Museums Site), University of Cambridge, 24 October, 2017 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Charlotte Payne, the insect half of is also scheduled to be one of the speakers.
The description of the event:
The realities of eating a diet that is healthy for us and healthy for the planet may not always match up to ideals. A multitude of factors influence what we eat, many of which are outside our direct
control. From food prices and affordability, to social determinants like culture, attitudes and beliefs, determinants of diet are complex and interlinked. Is healthy, sustainable food for all really
possible? A panel of experts discuss the issues.